Schoolhouse Converted into Private Home with Amazing Home Decoration Ideas
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Schoolhouse Converted into Private Home with Amazing Home Decoration Ideas
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Kristy Seiler (Beames)
A contest was held in the fall of 1964, prior to school opening, and this design was selected to be the Escott Public School Official Logo. It was designed by Richard De Wolfe. (Reported in the '70-'71 Yearbook.)
Sharon Guild
Sharon Guild
Sharon Guild
David Haffie
David Haffie
David Haffie
Back of 12" ruler....
Found in Cupboards During Renovations
Your Name Here
When we purchased the school in 2018, there were still some labels stuck to beside the student coat hooks in the hallway. These were the ones left behind in 2004 when the school closed. We took photos and have replaced the paper stickers with metal tags beside some of the coat hooks.
We retained a total of 12 coat hooks.
This coat area now contains a total of 42 name tags of students from the 2003-2004 school year.
Yearbooks apparently were compiled after 1980, but our information is that they were not labelled "The Trail".
If anyone has copies of these years, it would be great if you would donate them... or bring in a copy and we will scan it. Thanks,
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